Monday, March 22, 2010

Citizen Journalism!

with the internet so much more prevalent now, and the publishing and release of information is so much more easier and efficient. these creates an avenue for almost everyone to write stories or report news. this method definitely has its advantages and disadvantages.

with almost anyone being able to be a reporter, news travels very fast, at an instant. from first-hand accounts to photos taken by mobile phones and videos that were taken by witnesses, this platform provided information that mainstream journalist might not have been able to cover, simply because they were not there. this then creates a more real-life report and more instant, rather than waiting for the 10 o'clock news or the newspapers to come out the next day.

however, this also poses a serious danger of credibility. with many people not discerning enough, they might believe anything that is posted on the internet. these false information might then spread like wildfire, and it can cause anything from a nuisance to creating a big hoo-ha for nothing. another problem that might arise from this is that people report nonsense or trivial frivolous stuff. one example that i could think of is the example for the website 'stomp' where members can post pictures and videos about happenings in Singapore. but basically, whatever is on the website are most inconsiderate drivers, unruly passengers and stories like those where people are more of complaining rather than reporting.

even though citizen journalism gives a fresh insight into how news is reported, the mainstream news cannot be neglected, and should be the main avenue for news and information.

1 comment:

rolan said...

I agree that there should be more to be done in order to keep these STOMP users in their place. I mean, they are publicly filming other people and putting these people in the limelight, accusing them of doing some undesirable acts while the users are hiding behind the veil of annoynimity.